1:1 Coaching Journey 


I'm here to be your cheerleader. 


To support you in breaking through your limitations, self doubt and fear.

To help you reach the outcome you desire.

Perhaps you feel you're holding yourself back, or you're wanting to reach a goal or desire in your life - be it improving confidence and self belief, self acceptance, believing in yourself to find love, improving wellbeing and mindset, breaking through limiting beliefs and fears, and more.

I'll be your guide, shining the light onto the magic you have within, and support you in those areas you'd like to let go of.

I offer power sessions and mindset programmes, and combine my skills, intuition, and experience, to suit your needs and goals. Sessions are personalised and aligned for you.


Power Session

Power sessions are a great way to really get stuck into the area you wish to focus on, on a deeper level, and begin to make a profound shifts. We will work together using hypnotherapy and mindset techniques to support you getting the results you want

* Consultation is £20, but redeemable against the price of the session should you decide to go ahead

2 Hours £180

Book a Discovery Call

6 Month Mindset Transformation

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3 Month Mindset Enhancement

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1 Month Mindset Booster

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Each programme includes:

  • A bespoke session via Zoom - I combine my skills as a life coach, mindset mentor, hypnotherapist with counselling skills, and meditation teacher to journey with you
  • Your own personalised meditation/hypnosis recording to align with your goals
  • Personal support via WhatsApp and/or Email (You can contact at any time, and I will respond as soon as possible)


A discovery call gives us a great start and a little more insight into the work we can achieve together.

You can ensure that you'll feel comfortable, seen, and fully accepted during your time with me.

I see your beauty and light.

6 Month Mindset Transformation Programme

Big goals, or shifts you wish to make in life right now?
Perhaps you want support and guidance as you grow in new ways and areas. As you breakthrough anything holding you back, understand yourself on a much deeper level, and become that unapologetic, confident and loving version of you. If so, the 6 Month Mindset Transformation Programme is for you.

The 6 Month Mindset Transformation Programme consists of 1 x 90 minute deep dive initial strategy session, 19 x 60 minute 1:1 sessions. We will schedule the sessions in together once a week. Our first session will be an initial consultation to dig deep, find out what you would like to achieve, and discover our main focus points to set you up for success.

Apply for a Discovery Call

3 Month Mindset Enhancement Programme

You have a goal in mind, or perhaps a shift you would like to make, such as moving into more self belief, and past anything holding you back. The 3 Month Mindset Enhancement Programme is here to help you comfortably take those strides forwards and see great benefit.

The 3 Month Mindset Enhancement Programme consists of 11 x 60 minute 1:1 sessions. We will schedule the sessions in together once a week. Our first session will be an initial consultation to dig deep, find out what you would like to achieve, and discover our main focus points to set you up for success.

Apply for a Discovery Call

1 Month Mindset Booster Programme

Here to give you the added focus and clarity you need for your specific goals or desire. Also a great starter programme into that mindset shift you desire.

The 1 Month Mindset Booster Programme consists of 4 x 60 minute 1:1 sessions. We will schedule the sessions in together once a week. Our first session will be an initial consultation to dig deep, find out what you would like to achieve, and discover our main focus points to set you up for success.

Apply for a Discovery Call

Next step to your success...

After completing the introductory form, we can schedule a discovery call to enable us to together asses your needs.

I'm Ready!